Friday, April 6, 2018

The Lost Art of Lingering: Mutual Mentoring for Life Transformation Download by Rowland Forman pdf

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The Lost Art of Lingering is written for ordinary Christ-followers who long to experience whole-life transformation through a mentoring friendship, but find the thought a bit daunting. It is an invitation to engage in relational slowing, to linger long enough for spiritual friendships to develop over time. It is a call to fold key mentoring practices into your life or small group so that they become life-transforming spiritual habits.

This book is also for leaders who dream about a day when God creates a mentoring/disciplemaking culture in their church or ministry. They long to see Spirit-orchestrated friendships folded into every aspect of church life, where two or more people come with the attitude, "I've come to listen to you, and hear the Holy Spirit through you. I'm here to learn from you and want to be real with you. I'm a work-in-progress, so please come and grow with me." ~~

Rowland Forman has awakened the nerve that has long been dulled. In this seminal book, Forman ushers us back to Jesus' design of how life and love were to be transferred: through thoughtful, intentional, even time-consuming mentoring. In a world of convenient sound bytes and.
The Lost Art of Lingering: Mutual Mentoring for Life Transformation books pdf online
The Lost Art of Lingering: Mutual Mentoring for Life Transformation pdf
The Lost Art of Lingering: Mutual Mentoring for Life Transformation book
The Lost Art of Lingering: Mutual Mentoring for Life Transformation free ebook pdf epub

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